Full Stack Web Developer with a multidisciplinary background in Accounting and Finance providing strong problem-solving and data analytics skills. An excellent communicator and collaborator who works well in team-based projects and independently with very strong interpersonal skills.
Web based to-do list application using React and Redux. User need to sign up with an email address in order to create new task. Once task has been created, a notification update box will show up accordingly.
Technologies: HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, JQuery, React, Redux, Moment, Firebase
Using the Spotify API and Youtube API to enhance your music experience. The app allows user to search for music, find the song’s music video and lyrics, and then play them within the browser all in one place.
Technologies: HTML5/CSS/Animate CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap, APIs: Youtube, Spotify, APISeeds, Heroku
A simple budget application that displays your overall financial well being. It also calculates the percentage changes to your budget as the user add and delete his/her income and expenses.
Technologies: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, Heroku,
A burger logger with MySQL, Node, Express, Handlebars and ORM. The user inputs their favorite burger and submit it to their To-Eat list. Once it's eaten, the user clicks devours and their favorite burger to move to the Devour List.
Technologies: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, Node, Express, Handlebars
A simple Javascript Black Jack game using dice. Each player takes turn rolling the dice and try to get to 100 or higher in order to win. .
Technologies: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, Heroku
A train schedule application that incorporates Firebase to host arrival and departure data.The website will provide up-to-date information about various trains, namely their arrival times and how many minutes remain until they arrive at their station.
Technologies: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, Moment.js, Firebase, Heroku